getting a reply from that office is like getting blood out of a stone 意味

  • あの事務所から回答を引きだすのは石から血を絞りだすに等しい 《とても無理だ》


        not getting a reply:    not getting a reply 梨の礫 なしのつぶて
        getting out:    ゲッティングアウト
        get blood from out of a stone:     get blood from out of a stone [通例like getting ...で] とても出してくれそうにない人[団体]から金を得ようとする(ようなものだ)《◆getの代りにextractを使うこともある》. (=gèt blóod from ?mòut of?n a stóne ?mstónes?n
        getting:    《be ~》~になってくる、どんどん~になる I'm getting tired. 疲れてきた。 I'm getting sleepy. 眠くなってきた。 I'm getting hungry. おなかが減ってきた。
        getting on:    《be ~》年を取っていく
        getting on for:     gétting on fór ((略式))ほとんど,ほぼ(nearly).
        getting there:    《be ~》(ある特定{とくてい}の場所{ばしょ}?目標{もくひょう})に向かって着々{ちゃくちゃく}と進んでいる He wasn't fat yet, but he was getting there. 彼はまだ肥満というほどではなかったけれど、確実に近づいていたね。 It's not perfect but we're getting there. まあ、完ぺきとは言えないけど、目標に向か
        getting out of bed:    getting out of bed 起床 きしょう 離床 りしょう 床離れ とこばなれ
        getting out of shape:    getting out of shape 型崩れ かたくずれ
        slow in getting out of bed:    《be ~》床離れが悪い
        getting away from:    getting away from 破り やぶり
        getting better from sickness:    《be ~》病気{びょうき}から良くなりつつある
        there is no getting away from the fact that:    (that 以下)という事実{じじつ}から逃れることはできない
        avoid getting involved in office politics:    社内の駆け引きに巻き込まれるのを避ける
        experience long delay in getting out of:    ~から抜け出すのに長時間{ちょうじかん}かかる


  1. "getting a job does not necessarily change a woman's wish to be taken care of" 意味
  2. "getting a little sweaty" 意味
  3. "getting a lot more attention lately" 意味
  4. "getting a new house is a complicated business" 意味
  5. "getting a new passport is a protracted business" 意味
  6. "getting a tenured position at an american university is as easy as towing icebergs to the middle east" 意味
  7. "getting agreement between the warring factions will not be easy" 意味
  8. "getting along" 意味
  9. "getting along together very nicely" 意味
  10. "getting a new house is a complicated business" 意味
  11. "getting a new passport is a protracted business" 意味
  12. "getting a tenured position at an american university is as easy as towing icebergs to the middle east" 意味
  13. "getting agreement between the warring factions will not be easy" 意味

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